We soon arrived at his office building. He got out of the car and walked over to me, opening the door and helping me. I saw a huge building made of glass. I stretched my neck to look up. I was in awe until I noticed a few people with cameras outside the building.

They were journalists.

"Hold my hand until we enter the building," Rudra said, lowering himself to my level.

He extended his hand in front of me for me to hold, and I did. His palm was warm, whereas mine was clammy from sweat. I felt it again, tingles running down my arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. He tightened his grip as if he felt it as well, and he was staring at me intently.

We made our way towards the building. The guards were pushing the reporters back, and the sound of cameras being clicked could be heard. They were asking him questions about—who I was if the rumours of the wedding were true or not, and what about the woman he was with a few weeks ago?


When we walked into the building, everyone was staring at me. I felt strange like I was being exposed in front of their eyes. I tightened my grip on Rudra. He looked down at me, perhaps noticing that I was becoming nervous with so many eyes on me.

"Do not worry; it is unusual for them to see me with a woman inside the office," he said with amusement.

We continued to walk. We abruptly came to a halt, and I noticed everyone scrambling. I looked at Rudra, who was glaring down at his employees with narrowed eyes. I tugged on his hand to grab his attention, and he turned to face me.

"Your sister and mother will be waiting for us. Let's go," I said with a smile.

"I didn't say they were already here. They will be here in an hour or so," he stated flatly as we walked towards the elevator.

"Which floor are we going to?" I spoke up, removing my hand and breaking the awkward silence.

He folded his arms and said, "85th floor."

85 floors!!!

We arrived at his floor and got out of the elevator. Everyone greeted him with good mornings, but he ignored them and continued walking straight. I sighed at his stern and impolite behaviour towards his employees and smiled at them as I walked behind him.

He suddenly stopped walking, and I bumped up into his back again, rubbing my nose.

"You need to get your eyes checked," he exclaimed, annoyance evident in his tone.

"You need to stop making abrupt stops in front of me. Concrete of a man! My nose is hurting now because of you! Moron!" I said and walked past him, but stopped realising I didn't know where we were going. I turned around awkwardly to face him.

"Darling, what happened? Go ahead," he said, relaxing and putting his hands in his pockets. I can tell he is making fun of me, so I huffed and folded my arms. I was feeling like a child who was about to stomp his foot.

"Ohh Rudra! Thank God you're here, mere bhai; there is a problem. You need–" A tall man with glasses and an iPad in his hands came running but stopped when his eyes caught mine. He was with Rudra at the cafe.

He came forward and held his hand out for me to shake, which I did politely.

"I am Rahul Rane, his best friend and PA." He introduced himself and lifted my hand to his lips to place a kiss.

Before I could pull my hand, it was roughly snatched into a tight grip by Rudra. His hand was rough and cold as ice, and his grip around my wrist was as tight as steel. Rudra was furious at Rahul, who was smirking back at him.

Rahul made a surrender motion with his hand and stepped aside. Rudra began to walk, taking large steps and literally dragging me along with him. We entered a cabin, and I snatched my hand and rubbed my wrist, which already had finger imprints.

"What is wrong with you?" I said, glaring at him.

He stepped forward, and I took two steps back. His eyes were red, and he was glaring at me with so much intensity.

"What is wrong with me? Me? What is wrong with you?" He screamed and pointed his finger at me. His voice was booming in the room.

"Are you crazy?"

His long fingers wrapped in a painful grip around my wrist, twisting it around, my back against his chest. I gasped as pain shot through my arm, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Ru... Rudra! m-my, my arm!" I stammered and tried to speak through pain.

"You don't let me hold your hand, but you allow some other man, and you even smiled at him!" He spoke slowly and close to my ear, his guttural and rough voice sending chills down my spine.

"Stop hurting me!" A cry escaped my lips. He jerked me forward, and I stumbled. I turn around to face him, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Rudra, please calm down," I said with trembling lips.

He was looking scary; his face was turning red with rage, and he was breathing harshly. His hands were trembling, and anger was radiating from him. My body tensed, and I stepped back away from him.

What is happening? He is like a completely different person.

"Please calm down. You are scaring me." I spoke with trembling lips, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand.

He looked into my eyes, and something changed in them. But he quickly turned to his desk and sat on the chair, putting his head in his shaking hands. His sharp breaths became even and soft.

He lifts his face and looks at me, his eyes full of pain and regret. "I am... I did not mean to." his voice is shaky as he speaks and turns his head towards the window. I walked up to him and touched his shoulder with a shaking hand, but I quickly pulled away because he flinched.

"Hey, are you all right?" I asked him softly. He looked at me, his beautiful eyes red and raw filled with anger and pain.

He once again closed his eyes and took a deep breath before meeting my eyes. I offered him a small, smile, but all he did was stare. His gaze shifted towards my wrist, and he took a sharp breath.

He forwarded his hand towards me, and I hesitantly put my hand in his. For a few moments, he stared with thinned brows, his face etched with disbelief. His thumb lightly caressed my wrist before looking into my eyes.

He pulled me towards his desk, making me sit on the chair, and then he went into a room in the corner, maybe a restroom? I heard some rustling, and he returned with a tube in his hand, but he went outside, and I looked around confused.

His cabin is... I don't know. The floors are hardwood, and the walls are white. The huge chandelier hanging from the roof would be the centre of attention. A floor-to-ceiling window with a stunning view. There are a few plants in the corners. A large, sleek mahogany desk stands out in the room, with a comfortable-looking chair behind it. On the right side of the room, there is a large beige couch and a small refrigerator next to it. The room was... boring.

He came back with an ice pack. He approached me, tilted the chair slightly, and knelt in front of me.

"Hand?" he asks, his voice gruff and croaky, as if he has a sore throat.

He cleared his throat while keeping his gaze fixed on my wrist. I quietly put my hand in his. He placed the ice pack on my wrist. I hissed and tightly closed my eyes.

Oh, it stings!

"Um, Rudra?" I spoke softly.

"Hmm," he hummed back. Shifting the ice pack from one side to the other.

"Aap theek ho na?" I said it quietly. He was looking as if he were suffering inside. He hurts me, and I am worried about him for an unknown reason.
(Are you all right?)

I smiled at him,  as he lifts his face and his eyes softened. He only nodded his head in response. His eyes shifted to my cheek. He raises his other hand to my cheek, then stops and pulls his hand back, looking into my eyes.

"What?" I asked, touching my face.

"You have mascara marks on your cheeks," he said so softly that I almost missed it.

"Oh, it's okay, I'll just wash my face," I told him, shrugging my shoulders. He gave a nod.

He applied the cream. His touch was gentler this time, and he moved his fingers with care and tenderness.

"Does it hurt?" he asked softly as he rubbed the cream. I shook my head, and he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Uh, no, it doesn't. Thank you." With a smile, I drew my hand away.

I entered the bathroom and found myself looking like a panda with mascara stains. I returned to the cabin after washing my face.

He was standing by the window with his hands in his pockets, lost in thought. When I sat down in the chair again, he turned to face me.

"You should keep your anger under control; it is not healthy. Okay?" I said, pointing at him.

He first looked at my finger, which I quickly drew down and rubbed my eyes.

"I do not like it when someone touches what is mine," he said, gritting his teeth.

"I am not yours! I am not an object that you can drag around as per your wish." I said, slightly raising my voice, remembering how he had dragged me earlier.

He bent slightly and gripped the chair tightly from the sides, moving his face close to mine.

I can sense him becoming angry once more. The way he is looking, raking his eyes across my face, his lips are curling, and his jaw is ticking.

"You should also apologise for hurting me, Rudra." I placed my finger on his forehead and pushed him back slightly.

He lowered his face and closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. "I like my name; it is very calming when you say it," he said, looking me in the eyes.

I gave him a light smile, and his eyes shifted to my lips, making me lick them nervously, and my lips became as dry as the Sahara desert. He sighed heavily and nodded before closing his eyes again.

What is he nodding for? What's up with this man?

Then the door to his cabin opened, and laughter echoed through the room, breaking the tension.

I turned around to see who it was, and it was his sister and mother. When they saw us, their eyes widened to the size of a golf ball, and their mouths hung open.

I pushed him as hard as I could without thinking twice, and he fell on his ass, groaning.

I hurriedly stood up and joined my hands to greet them.

"Ahm... uhh... Namaste?" But it came across as a question.





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